
Generate the leads that grow your business. You own your listing content, we help you distribute it.


Easily manage listings automatically using a feed. Save time by not manually listing each property.


We're a free to list property portal. List your properties, generate leads, all with no gimmicks or hidden fees.

learn more    post a listing now

40 photos with all rental listings

lots of pictures

Upload as many as 40 pictures for each of your listings.

Post unlimited rental listings

unlimited and free

No limit to the number of listings or leads, and it's all FREE.

Your listings on your website


Optimized for the speed and flexibility of mobile viewing.

Larger rental listing images

wow factor built in.

Listanza helps you make the impressions that count. Large images, mobile friendly with all the important information front and center.

Syndication property marketing tools

generating more leads

Listanza syndicates your listings to our growing list of partners for maximum market exposure and it's all done automatically.

see all the features

get free exposure

Get free exposure in front of thousands of engaged buyers and renters! Listanza is the international real estate portal that can help generate more leads.